Class 10 Sanskrit Solution

by Developer Manish



This application contains class 10 sanskrit ncert books shemushi and abhyasvan solution chapter wise with brief description . This application is design for class 10th student each chapter contain detail question and answers chapter wise. Each chapter deal with must to know point. I think this app is must have app for class 10 student.This app contains notes of all the chapters included in the CBSE Class 10 NCERT Book.This application contains:-Shemushi(शेमुषी)Chapter 1 शुचिपर्यावरणम्Chapter 2 बुद्धिर्बलवती सदाChapter 3 व्यायामः सर्वदा पथ्यःChapter 4 शिशुलालनम्Chapter 5 जननी तुल्यवत्सलाChapter 6 सुभाषितानिChapter 7 सौहार्दं प्रकृतेः शोभाChapter 8 विचित्रः साक्षीChapter 9 सूक्तयःChapter 10 भूकंपविभीषिकाChapter 11 प्राणेभ्योऽपि प्रियः सुह्रद्Chapter 12 अनयोक्त्यःAbhyasvan Bhav (अभ्यासवान् भव भाग 2)Chapter 1 अपठितावबोधनम्Chapter 2 पत्रलेखनम्Chapter 3 अनुच्छेदलेखमन्Chapter 4 चित्रवर्णनम्Chapter 5 रचनानुवादः (वाक्यरचनाकौशलम्)Chapter 6 सन्धिःChapter 7 समासा:Chapter 8 प्रत्यया:Chapter 9 अव्ययानिChapter 10 समय:Chapter 11 वाच्यम्Chapter 12 अशुद्धिसंशोधनाChapter 13 मिश्रिताभ्यासःMain Features:1. This app is in easy hindi Language.2.Clear Font for better readability.This app is aggregate of class 10 sanskrit solution in most systematically way. It will help in quick revision if you liked our app. Please rate us.